September 24

Rugby rugby rugby- There is a touch rugby game today afterschool at Centre Mountain Lellum. All players please meet by the front door at the end of day bell to check in with Ms. Irving. 


Ultimate practice today after school. Our first jamboree is tomorrow after school at Spencer Middle school in Langford. Make sure to talk to your parents about rides to and from the game. Mr. Leblond has emailed parents about the times and location of the game.


Soccer Practice/ Jamboree today after school! This is open for all grades. 


Senior Boys Basketball has an open gym tomorrow morning at 7am.


X-country run at lunch today.  Meet by the Colquitz sign at 12:05.  The sign up for Thursday’s meet is on the athletic board.  Make sure you sign up and indicate if you need a ride.  If you do not have your jersey yet, see Mrs C before Thursday to sign one out.  


Lead the change meets today at noon in the library- please bring your lunch. 


Candy bags! Candy bags will be for sale for $2 today and tomorrow in the main foyer at nutrition break and at lunch, at the start of outside time.  Proceeds go to support Tour De Rock and those impacted by childhood cancer.


Coins for Cancer! Please drop any spare change off in the donation jar in the office. 


Lahal practice at lunch recess in Red Pod hallway. Lahal is a traditional stick/bone game played by many First Nations across Canada. If you are interested in learning more about Lahal and/or playing in upcoming tournaments, please join us. 


This week Colquitz will be having an assembly for Orange Shirt Day on Friday afternoon. Each day your advisory class will be given a discussion prompt to prepare you for the assembly. Today we are asking “What evidence do you see of Colquitz participating in Reconciliation?”. 


Fine Arts

* 10:33am Grade 8 Band

* 11:15am Grade 6 Band (green)

* Lunch: stage crew meeting

* After school: Neophyte Crew No Maddux

87:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Band?


TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA. Here are this week’s animal themed questions. Good Luck!

Student Question: What do you call a baby eagle?

Staff Question: What do you call a baby turtle?